Sunday, February 13, 2011

san nicolas 8 - feb 7

Hey family!

So ya….this week was pretty cool. We had a lot of blessings this week!

We are teaching 2 of the coolest people right now!! So there is Clari and nicolas. Clari is 17 yrs old, and nicolas is her boyfriend, he is 20. we found them because clari is an old investigator....her older sister was actually baptized and in now inactive, but we are going to start helping her sister too (she was just out of town this week, so we haven't met her yet). Anyway, clari and we taught them the Restoration and about the plan of salvation this week, and they just have such great questions! Like, they really want to know. Nicolas was like...”so are there prophets today?” and “how do you guys know the church is true?” and “how did christ pay for our sins?” and anyway...and after we finished lesson 2, they were both like...”i really like this!” so they are both reading parts from the B.O.M. right now, but they are so fun to talk to and to teach! So we'll see how it goes.

Also, there is this kid named Mauricio, he is an old investigator as well...i have been really wanting to find him because we have his teaching record. He had almost all the lessons, went to church a few times and was fasting to know if it was true. But his teaching record doesn't say anything else after that, just that he continued going to his church (catholic). Well, this was a couple years ago, and he was 19 at the time. So, we've passed by his house a bunch of times, and no one is ever home. And we even called him a couple times, but no answer! Then on Saturday, we were in the street, and i looked at my planner to see what the next thing we had had planned, and then we headed out...and as soon as we started walking the thought came to me that we should go check for Mauricio again. So we turned around and went back to his house. I told my comp, “i know this isn't planned, but the thought just came to me, so we are acting on it.” Sure enough, we knock, and he is home! He was super rad! He is actually studying in another province and is only home for the weekends. He is now 21, and was just super nice to us. He was busy at the time but, but we have an appt with him this next Saturday.

We also found this other lady this week. Her name is sandra. She is a single mom with 3 young kids all under the age of ten. Her husband died a couple years ago, so she is a widow. She lives in a super nice house, but is super busy working and being a mom. We contacted her on sat. I had prayed about a street to knock with Hna. Morales right before she left, and we never got the chance to go. Well, the other day i remembered about that, and so me and my comp went to go kock doors on this street, “Maipu.” She told us she knows she is supposed to be learning something from this trial. She said if we had knocked on her door a couple years ago, she would have thanked us and closed the door, but now she is listening to everyone, trying to figure out what she is supposed to learn. Well, we actually taught her about the Restoration, which was kind of weird...because normally we teach the plan of salvation in that type of situation, but i felt like she needed the hear the restoration. But we left her a B.O.M. with Alma 40 to read. She wanted 2 weeks to be able to really read about it, ponder and ask God. Which is far away, but she is super busy too. We agreed to come back in 2 weeks. So i hope it goes well.

Oh! And i can't forget Lucia. She is 14 years old and lives in another city. But her cousin is in our ward and she was visiting this week. Well, we started teaching her. And she is getting baptized! The first lesson we asked her...”so if you get a answer to your prayer, what do you need to do?” and she was like, “i need to get baptized!” well, the next lesson, she told us she felt really good about the church. We asked her how she felt about baptism and her response “i'm ready.” So we are stoked! She went back to Peragamino (where she lives) this week, so the other sisters there are going to teach her...but...she wants to get baptized here in San Nicolas, and she talked to the bishop, and he said he was fine with that!

I am really seeing the blessings. I still struggle talking to people on the street. I do it, but i could be better. I'm trying!! But ya. My comp is doing well. She was having some more trouble with her feet....well, her ankles just kept swelling up, so she got a priesthood blessing, and she has been a lot better since. So we are doing well. We are hoping that these people progress! But i know this is the work of the Lord, and that this is literally His church. i'm out of time. I love you guys a ton! And i'll talk to you guys next week. I didn't get any packages or letters this week, but we have zone conference on the maybe you guys!

Hna. amundsen

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