Sunday, February 13, 2011

san nicolas 5 - jan 18

Hey fam!

Reading your letters gave me a lot of comfort this week. You will never believe what happened with transfers…we normally find out tues morning how transfers are going to go. Those that will be training the brand new missionaries get a call from the assistants Monday night. Well, last night (Monday), Elder Chavez calls (one of the assistants)…and asks to speak to me. I was in shock...i knew what was coming. He tells me, “Hna. Amundsen, that Lord has called you to be a trainer”…..….he told me that I would be training a new missionary from the United States. That we will be working in Barrio Centro and that 2 other hnas. will be coming to work in Barrio Las Flores. So the 2 wards that we have now will have their own set of missionaries. My comp is going to Rosario, so she is excited about that.

It was funny though, because Elder Chavez was my first zone leader, and when he told me I was like, “no way.” And then Elder Hardy (the other assistant) calls me like 5 min later, (he didn’t know that elder chavez had already called me) and right when he is about to tell me I will be training I interrupt and say, “elder chavez already told me I’m training” and he was like “what!! No!! oh, he totally stole my thunder! That was going to be a spiritual one too! Oh! I was so excited to tell you!” I just laughed. But he told me he was super stoked when he found out I was training.

So ya, mom, I’m kinda in your shoes right now and I know how you feel. Like, super unqualified. I already told Heavenly Father that I am going to be needing His help a lot this transfer and that he can’t leave me. So ya, I’m excited, and nervous all at the same time. I feel like I have to prove myself now though….where much is given much is required… But I am excited to work, and I think I will be doing a lot of growing and learning this transfer. Ya mom…this is the transfer I was talking about in my last letter that is going to be crazy. This is the transfer that we get like 6 new hnas. I don't know who else is training. I just know I have to go the mission home tomorrow morning. But we are going to have a full pench now! With 4 of us living together! The other 2 are Latinas…one is Hna. Espinoza from El Salvador that was with us the first week of this transfer.

Ya, dad, with the Spanish. I can basically say everything I want to in Spanish…I might have to use hand motions and describe things I don't know the words for, but I still struggle to understanding the people. I can carry on a normal conversation just fine, but when people tell stories sometimes I get really confused, and if they talk really fast or mumble or talk about a subject that I don't know the vocab to, that is what is hard.

But I'm glad everyone is feeling better at home now. I feel good too. I'm really tired right now though. The other night I couldn't sleep…Saturday night…I woke up in the middle of the night (2:45am) to find that I had a new bed buddy…a giant cockroach. Well, I killed him, and then went into the kitchen to grab something, and as soon as I turned on the light the cockroaches started to scatter. There were about 8 giant ones that I saw. On the counter, on the stove, on the floor, crawling on our food shelf, and over our drying dishes…our clean dishes. I couldn't sleep after that. Just knowing that there were that many coackroaches in the pench kinda creeped me out. And I learned that they fly too. Because as I sat at my desk one flew over my head. I might talk to president about having the place fumigated. I ended up going to bed at about 5am, when I felt a little better. My comp was just fine, she just slept.

Then last night we ate dinner with a family (which never happens), and afterwards my stomach did not feel good…but it could be because we ate hot dogs for lunch with a member…and you guys know that hot dogs and I don’t mix too well. But it was all she gave us for lunch, and I didn’t have the heart to tell her that hot dogs usually make me sick. So I went to bed late last night too.

But anyway. This week, we had a couple days in the pench with me being sick. We went to visit Grasiela a few times. One day she wasn’t home, went to see the doctor. Another day she had guests over, and another day she got a headache and had to go inside and lay down….so we did not teach her this week. And she hasn’t been able to come to church because she was out of town. But the new sisters will be passing by her. Basically all of our investigators are in Las Flores…so this week of a new transfer will be a lot of contacting and trying to find new people.

Getting used to your comp is pretty easy. After the first week you kinda get the hang of how the other comp works. Hna. Morales is pretty cool. We got along really well, and she has a great relationship with the members. And I really learned a lot this transfer. Every transfer has been so different, but I feel like I have learned a lot from each. it will be interesting to see how this one goes.

Please pray for me…I’ll be praying for you guys too! And yes mom, I am jealous of cafĂ© rio. Oh! And tell bro. Graff, I asked about his friend German Ruben….He isn't living in San Nicolas, he moved to Rosario.

Ok. Love you guys a ton, really really love you guys! I know this church is true with all my heart! And that this is the work of the Lord. Julie, Jodi…good luck with finals! And mom, good luck with your new calling. The Lord will help us, and build us...and it just so happens that the best building comes when we have to do a little bit of stretching.

hna. amundsen

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