Thursday, February 24, 2011

san nicolas 9 - feb 14

¡Hola a la familia que tengo!...

¡¡¡HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!…it's a day of love. I think they celebrate here...i guess, i haven't really seen anything special but i imagine that they do. Hna. Espinoza was talking about velntines day last night...and she is from el salvador (so atleast they celebrate it there). Thanks for praying for the investigators, they need lots of prayers! I have high hopes for them!

We didn't get to teach mauricio this week. I called him and talked to him. I guess he had to stay up at school this weekend, but he is totally excited to talk to us, and wants to! turns out she was a reference from a member too. We had this referece that hna. Morales and i tried to contact, but we didn't have her exact address, just in between these numbers on this street. And i looked at the reference the other day whose name is sandra and we realized it was the same! And we talked to the hna. who gave us the reference, she is totally stoked that we found sandra. Talk about inspiration! The Lord truly does guide us in this work if we listen to His promptings. So we have a cita with Sandra this weekend. I hope it goes well! And we slipped a note of encouragement under her door the other day too.

We also have this investigator named Vernoica. She is about 35ish...i can't remember if i have talked about her yet or not. Anyway, she is way rad. Everytime we teach “tenemos que sacar dudas”, there are always lots of questions, lots of doubts. And the other day we taught lesson 2, the plan of salvation. And again...question after question, doubt after doubt, and it was amazing....we were able to explain everything. And by the end of the lesson she was like, “it's perfect! The plan in perfect!” and i was in shock...i was like “wait, you think the plan is perfect?” and she was like, “well, ya, it seems pretty perfect to me.” But it was amazing. I know the Lord guided us, because there were things that i didn't know, that i realized during the lesson and i was able to explain them. I know Heavenly Father really helps us in our moments of need. I really hope she progresses!

Maria clara and Nicolas...they aren't reading or praying, so we had a talk about that yesterday. They've both been working a ton this week, but we were able to talk to them yesterday. They don't want to put a baptismal goal for right now, they are feeling pretty comfortable in their own church right now, so we talked a lot about how they really need to pray and read and come to church so that they can give it a chance. But they are excited to learn about eternal marriage...they are talking about getting married, they are young but have been dating for a couple years now. And's not that weird to get married young, and to have kids really young.

So i learned today in personal study that the name “Sarah” means “the princess.” It was the name God gave to Sarai (abraham´s wife). You could read it in Genesis 17:15..and read the foot note also, Jodi....have you read the 3rd hunger games book yet!? Because i was talking to an elder that loves those books, and i guess his sister has already read the 3rd one cuz it came out months ago. So if you haven't read it, you should get on that. Well, we have zone conference tomorrow. So we are pretty excited. Those are always fun! We just have to wake up at like 5am, and won't be able to make up the sleep. but ya. Well, good luck dad. Sorry you have to work sooo much! I hope things will slow down for you too. As for mom....are you feeling a little more adjusted? I hope so. And julie...i still think she is going on a mission. I read her patriarchal blessing again this week...i just can't help but think that she'll be serving too. Glad to hear that Gordie is still up and going. He's a good guy. I didn't think we had that many pictures of luke. Haha, that's funny. You'll have to go play tennis with him mom, he's pretty funny when he gets into it. How is kris. That boy must be busy, because i haven't heard from him in a long time.

I love you guys so much! Thanks for sending your love my way today, my love goes right to you guys too. Our e-mail from the mission said “happy single-awareness day!” what can you do? We are missionaries!

hna. amundsen

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